The 1965 flood caused over five million dollars of damage in Clinton. With federal help, the city built the levee seen in the photo to protect against future floods. Without the levee, downtown Clinton and many residential areas would have flooded, with extensive damage. This year, Clinton's levee paid for itself in damage prevented.
Photos on this page taken April 23, with river level close to the crest of 23.60 feet the second highest on record. Damage in Clinton will be minimal. In nearby Camanche, Iowa and Albany, Ill. , some homes were flooded.
All photos on this page copyright © Alan and Mary Ann Draves.
The levee prevented major flood damage in Clinton in the 2001 flood.
The road and bike path on top of the levee in downtown Clinton makes a good place for river (and flood) watching. |
The city marina was one of the few places that flooded in Clinton. |
The river was close to the bottom of the railroad bridge.
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